Cash Recycling Machines
Your cash can be handled more securely and efficiently by removing the risks associated with human handling, error and theft.
Our extensive experience resulted in cash recycling devices that are easy to use – allowing you to speed up checkouts, and secure and track cash-flow.
Exchangor Solutions
Even though our machines are very easy to operate, your staff will receive thorough, customised training, plus operating manuals and full-time assistance from our dedicated support team.

Exchangor Standard Features
- Faster Processes Results in Increased Customer Satisfaction
- Improved Client Queue Management & Teller Efficiencies
- Increased Control & Reduction of Errors or Shortages
- Simplified Staff Training & Recruitment
- Faster Opening & Closing Processes
- End-of-Day Reporting to Transactional Level at Push of a Button
- Simple & Secure Maintenance
- Real-Time Access to 24-Hour Web Portal for Teller Content & Transactional Info

Explore our Products
Enquire Now
Speak to one of our experts about which Cash-recycler device best suits your needs. Or schedule a demonstration at our facility to see what end-to-end cash management and checkout systems can do for your business.